Mathematics and Informatics Course


About Mathematics and Informatics Course

We have seen remarkable developments in mathematical science, both in depth and breadth, over the last century or so; for example, many will have heard the news that the Poincare conjecture has been proven. At the same time, with the rise of computerized investigation, mathematical science is increasingly being applied to areas not traditionally thought of as within its province, such as biology, psychology, and economics, in addition to information science and complex system science. The course offers two programs: the Mathematics Program and the Informatics Program. In the Mathematics Program, students develop logical thinking ability and learn how to express themselves in a logical, mathematical way. In the Informatics Program, students learn the logic of informatics and the methods of computer science and data science. In both programs, logical-mathematical and information-processing ability forms a common foundation, and through practice, students learn the thought processes necessary to achieve solutions to various problems in mathematical science. Throughout the problem-solving experience, in both courses, our goal is to train students to develop logical thinking, gain independence of judgment, and acquire the ability to contribute to the modern world as a thriving member of the information society. Those who wish to pursue research have the further opportunity to study in the graduate school, where we strive to nurture the minds that will contribute to the development of mathematical science in the 21st century.


In both programs, beginning with the second semester of the third year, students join a small seminar (five members or less) where they engage in in-depth, proactive study for a year and a half, until graduation, under the supervision of the respective instructor. In the first and second years, students receive intensive education in fundamental mathematics and computers. The first two years are dedicated to the systematic development of fundamental knowledge, as opposed to indiscriminate study, and the goal is for students to learn the means and importance of constructing precise logical structures from the ground up, through lectures, class exercises, and practicums. In the third and fourth years, the curriculum is formally divided into the respective Mathematics and Informatics Programs. The goal of the Mathematics Program is to develop logical-mathematical thinking by studying advanced mathematics, centering on algebraic, geometric, and mathematical analysis. In the Informatics Program, the goal is to learn the thinking processes involved in solving problems practically in mathematical science, by utilizing the methods of information science, computer science, and data science. Beyond the curricular study, faculty office hours are provided, so that students can visit their instructors and ask questions one on one, or discuss academic or non-academic issues.