Physics Course


About Physics Course

The birth of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century opened the door to modern physics. It changed our view of nature completely, and contributed to the development of the scientific technology that is a fundamental pillar of modern society. In the 20th century, various areas of physics underwent dramatic development; for example, particle physics, which seeks to elucidate the fundamental structure and dynamics of elementary matter in the natural world; condensed matter physics, which investigates the various properties of condensed phases of matter and discovers unknown matter; and astrophysics, which explores the materials, structure and evolution of the universe. In the 21st century, through the evolution of physics itself, the science is becoming even more important as the basis of natural science and science technology, as in quantum chemistry and bioscience. This course adopts a systematic physics education approach, allied to the development of natural science and science technology, pursued by faculty working at the cutting-edge of science. Students acquire the specialized knowledge and methods of modern physics, along with the broader ability to think logically and systematically, enabling them to address a wide range of contemporary problems with a highly sophisticated yet flexible approach.


During the first and second years, the focus is on understanding classical physics, with students studying mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and wave mechanics. Much of the material is an extension of what was taught in high school, but forms a foundation for the study of modern physics. Fundamental mathematics is also studied, in parallel with physics, because mathematics is the essential language for expressing the real world described by physics. In the second semester of the second year, students begin studying quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and relativity, the foundations of leading-edge physics research. Such knowledge is essential to understanding the full extent of the hierarchy in the natural world, as well as to grasping and utilizing the extant knowledge of elementary particles, condensed matter, and astrophysics. The course curriculum involves not only lectures but also numerous practicums and experiments. In the physics exercises, students have the opportunity to explore complex concepts with mathematical support, in order to acquire a solid understanding on their own; and the classes are so designed as to enable close interaction between students and teachers, based on detailed and comprehensive instructions.